How my mum's (mom's) advice could help YOU start your next innovation
My feet pointing forward |
I was brought up in the North of England near (but not in) the city of Manchester famous for it's rain; Manchester United and a broad speaking common sense.
As I grew up there were a few mantra's in our family house that largely came from my mother. All of them are good, but the one that I think is useful for today's entrepreneur of stuff is:
"Your feet point forward"
Not rocket science I grant you, but let me explain why I think its relevant.
You see whenever you start an innovation there is a moment when I think "Crikey is this going to be any good". I guess that when you start out on something new you think the same.
- Innovation fear is a natural part of the phenomena of creativity.
- Innovation fear is the outcome of betting on something that is not a sure bet.
- Innovation fear is a prerequisite for innovation
Frankly if you are not thinking that the thing your about to innovate is scary, then you are not innovating my friend.
I have had fear making every single game; I have had a fear with every single business I set up; Heck even have fear writing these blog posts.
Making that first step can be daunting so it can be easier to procrastinate than to start.
Here are some of the feelings I have identified in myself that cause procrastination along with some hints at how I solve them.
1. The feeling of uncertainty
A feeling of uncertainty comes from not completely understanding what needs to be done. This gives me a feeling of great anxiety that sits squarely in my stomach. It gets me to um and err sometimes for days.
It is the lack of knowledge that creates this anxiety. Every innovator has to start from ground zero.
I counteract this feeling by reading. I read up on every thing I can to stem these thoughts. By increasing my knowledge I create a feeling of security that punches my uncertainties squarely on the nose.
I'm not alone on this one. Earnest Hemingway once wrote "the first draft of anything is crap".
At the risk of sounding all "life coachy", failure is the nemesis of everyone. But really it shouldn't be. Failure is a natural part of the risk of making something new.
I've made games for a living. In my business it seemed at times that there were journalists bent on being the games equivalent of Jeremy Clarkson. They made a living trashing my living. This hurt for sure but then there were reviews that were glowing.
I counteracted these fears eventually by not reading ANY review. I made my focus on the development of work that targeted at the group of people I knew intimately and made products that I knew would be of value to them... not some twenty something journo with a Clarkson crush.
Sometimes when I start a new project there are moments when the signals from my head and my subsequent actions don't seem to match. Its like that time when I tried to learn guitar; or when I tried to stand up on a surf board or tried to learn the front crawl. That feeling of shear frustration has me rage quitting like a teenager.
I counteract this one by programming myself to realise that procrastination because you are no good at a thing is like being a toddler crying because he cant make his Lego right. I try to recognise this build up and take a break sure in the knowledge I WILL come back to it. As we all know ignoring something wont make it go away.
There comes a point though that I may realise its kind of making me ill or worse the results are still shocking. At this point I delegate the task to someone who knows more about it than me.
Those Wise words from my Mum (Mom)
If you find yourself procrastinating over your innovation banish those silly feeling because everyone has them.
Remember your feet point forward and make the step to innovation glory.
You know it makes a lot of #Mancunian sense.
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I hope you find this article interesting, check out my ebook, Innovation Muscle. Its a short sharp read as to how you and your team can innovate fresh powerful ideas. Using these processes you will be able to create ideas that punch above their weight.
Innovation Muscle
Techniques to Make your Innovations Punch Above their Weight
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Until next time
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